Diecast Cars Privacy Policy

This policy applies to version 1.0.1 and lower versions of this Google Play application.

All data gathered by the application, including pictures, settings and data related to your car’s collection, is never uploaded to our servers (we don’t have any yet), never shared with any third party, and never used for any other purpose different than “Diecast Cars” application features.

None of your pictures is never leaving your devices unless you decide to perform such action, or in case any possible bug is hidden in the code. We want our user’s data to be secured and protected.

By installing the application you accept this policy.

In case you have any question, please do not hesitate in contacting us.

What is DieCast Cars?

DieCast Cars is an Android Application created to manage small cars collections. It is expected to be available also on iOS and Windows Phone in the future.

Logo used in the Google Play Store
Logo used in the Google Play Store

The main purpose is to have a local database on your phone where you can browse your collection whenever you are. It allows you to add all the information you want, including pictures. Features have been developed to add all your cars information and pictures to your device in a super fast and easy way.

If you already have a database of your cars in XLS (Excel), CSV, or TXT files, you just need to send it to your phone and DieCast Cars will allow you to instantly add your cars to your Mobile database. If you want to add also pictures, you do not need to deal with changes between interfaces thanks to the UltraCamera feature. It will allow you to just take all the pictures together in one single step and the pictures will be automatically.

Look for more information in this site if you want to know more!

We have gone live in Android!

We are very happy to announce that we have already gone live to Android! It took us some time to get this application ready but we finally did it.

Last week we released our last version 1.0 to our crowd. The application has been developed for the Android Platform, it includes several features that will help you manage your collections and keep your data close to you all the time, translation in 3 different languages (English, Spanish and Polish) and it is compatible with Android devices since Android 2.1.

You can find it in the Google Play Store following this link: Diecast Cars

Feel free to give it a try and check what is going on inside! Thank you for rating it.

The blog is now online!

Hello World! This is my first public blog to the world. I have created it to have a way to keep in touch with the users of my applications. I am close to release my first Android App about managing collections. I am sure it will be some bugs or things to improve, so I think this blog will help me to receive the opinions and suggestions of users who are enjoying the applications. This is a place open to talk and to expose your ideas, if you are user of any of my applications, please share your opinion with us.