DieCast Cars

DieCast Cars is a mobile manager for your diecast collection.
With this app you will be able keep track of all your cars data. You can save any information and images about any of your models, sort them, perform searches and everything within your hands thanks to this mobile tool.

This application has been designed to provide a fast interface with and a modern design. Within it you will find several tools that will help you in the process of adding all your current cars to this app in very simple and fast steps.

You will be amazed with the UltraCamera! it will allow you to add pictures of your cars in a super fast way without the need of moving your cars from their position.

Please check also the DataBase importer that will allow you use XLS, CSV or TXT files to add all your current register to the application.

A lot of more features will arrive in the future. We are totally open to suggestions, so if you feel some functionality is missing, please do not hesitate and get in touch with us through our email, our website, or the Google Play Store itself.

5 thoughts on “DieCast Cars

  1. Muy buenas, lo primero darte las gracias por la app de coches en Miniatura, ya que soy coleccionista y está genial para nosotros, pero por más que lo intento no acaba de funcionar correctamente, archivado las fotos , luego pinchas y se bloquea y te saca de la aplicación ó directamente no te deja ver en grande las fotos .
    En estos momentos se está hablando mucho de está app en foros de coleccionistas y hay mucha gente con estos mismos problemas.
    Te pediría por favor que lo intentéis solucionar ya que está genial, muchísimas gracias por todo.

    • Muchas gracias por tu feedback Jose.

      En estos momentos estamos trabajando para solucionar el problema de las imágenes.
      Lo que ocurre es que las fotos que están seleccionando son muy grandes, o son muchas fotos en la misma miniatura. Esto requiere mucha memoria y hace que la aplicación se cierre.

      Como te digo, estamos trabajando para solucionar este y otros bugs que tenemos actualmente.

      Si nos pones en contacto con los foros, podemos registrarnos y comentar con los usuarios qué experiencias han tenido y usarlo para mejorar la aplicación.

      Muchas gracias de nuevo por tus comentarios. Un saludo

  2. Seems to be a very useful app. The ability to export to a database file could be very useful for backup purposes. I shudder at the thought of losing everything on my device and having to re-enter everything if device failure happened.

  3. Hi there. I use this app to track my collection of 500+ Hot including some custom fields I’ve imputed and have recently changed devices. Is there a way to export my database so that I can import it to my new device?

    • Hi Ryan and others,

      we are currently working on a newer version of this app, which will include db sync with other devices and also be compatible with newer android versions. I am a bit short in time though, so I ask you to be patient, as I do this in my free time.

      Thank you all for your feedback and support for the app.

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