About us

Chichur in working uniform.
Chichur in working uniform.

What is Chichur Apps?

Chichur Apps is a single software developer who likes to participate in innovative projects and develop things that may result of some interest for people. At the moment Chichur Apps has published only one project to the world, however it has participated in many others still under development in many other platforms (Arduino, iOS, Raspberry … )

But what is Chichur!?

Chichur it’s me! Is my name, so I am the cat in the picture. I like to code from time to time. I spend the most of my time trying to catch everything that moves and tries to hide from my field of view. I also like to sing while everyone is sleeping. Something that grounds my gears are things standing in tables, I personally dedicate part of my time putting them out with my perfect paws. I think that I almost find happiness when I sleep close to my friends’s computer fan. The warm air coming from his computer blowing between my shiny hair makes me feel like heaven 😸.

Any other experiences in life?

I have worked before as a lawyer while I was living in Spain. I was widely known as the “Abogato”. Actually the picture on this page is from that period. I have fought in courts for animal rights and many other social causes.

One thought on “About us

  1. Hola!
    I use your die cast model car app, and though it is limited, I like it, and it allows me to have a view of my collection in my pocket.

    I fear to loose the database through some unknown event, and would like to export it…. any time you reckon to work on that?

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