Thinking further

Hi again folks,

in the previous posts I’ve talked about the esp8266 as the definitive solution for the project. However, thinking a bit more later, I have noticed that since this will work with WiFi, I can send the data through every device WiFi capable: computers, mobiles, tables, etc.

First idea, to save costs was to use the computer to save money in components and create a desktop application. However, that would be very difficult to control,as you will need to use the mouse and keyboard. Very complicated if you need to set several inputs at the same time.

Next idea, a tablet, with sliders that allows you to set trains speed and direction. Multitouch will allow you to set more than one item at one time. Looks reasonable.

Last idea:

I remembered about a very old equaliser abandoned at the top of a closet. I will never use it and it is there just gathering dust. I am thinking in using the sliders to control the trains and read the data with a raspberry Pie. The costs will be minimum. I prefer this idea than the tablet, as hardware devices are better for controlling.

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